Sociology Dissertation Writing
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Sociology Dissertation Writing
Sociology is a combination of two words ‘socio’ that means society and ‘logy’ that means study. Therefore, it is a branch of social science that uses different methods including critical analysis and empirical investigation to study patterns with social relationships, cultures and social interaction of daily life. It is looked as a science that analyzes society and considers factors like deviance, gender, sexuality, law, secularization, religion, social mobility, social class and social stratification. Different theories are encountered while studying sociology and they include;
Symbolic Interaction Theory: Also known as symbolic interactionism. It sheds light on the symbolic meaning that humans develop while interacting with one another.
Conflict Theory: This theory was suggested by Karl Marx and according to it, the society is a place of conflicts due to competition for limited resources. It holds that social order in the society is managed by the ones having power i.e. high political, social and economic resources.
Functionalist Theory: Also referred to as functionalism. This theory is the work of Emile Durkheim and focuses largely on the ways to accomplish social order and the methods to make the society relatively stable.
Feminist Theory: It is one of the contemporary sociological theories which focus mainly on the status of women in society. The different aspects related to this theory highlights how females have contributed to societal development.
Critical Theory: The theory is oriented towards critiquing and changing society.
Labeling Theory: Looks into the criminal behavior of human beings. The theory starts with an assumption that there is no action like crime, and the criminal laws are imposed by the ones in power.
Social Learning Theory: The theory is concerned with the effect of socialization on the development of an individual and finds great importance during criminal offences.
Rational Choice Theory: This is a theory of action that explains social phenomena as outcomes of choices
Sociology Dissertation assignment help
As part of the final year project, dissertations are something that any sociology student has to complete. A dissertation is mainly focused on adding value to an existing research area by looking at the present state. With sociology being a very broad field, there are many areas that one can focus to research on and these calls for one to settle on an area they find interest in. One can choose to base their research on the following themes; ethnic sociology, criminology or sociology of crime, sociology of family and marriage, political sociology, sociology of gender, sociology of education, sociology of religion, comparative sociology or sociology of industrial sociology.
To write a good dissertation, you will need to follow the standard rules of dissertation writing as well as seek professional guidance to ensure that the final report you will hand in meets necessary requirements satisfactorily. Our expert writers are here to help you with all that you may need at every stage of your sociology dissertation writing. They will help you in;
Choosing the research topic
Formulating the research question
Proposal writing; a proposal explains your selected research question and offers a justification of its importance. It explains the research you need to conduct is required before you write your dissertation.
Sociology literature review
Design Methodology where the method can either be qualitative or quantitative and is designed to give you the opportunity to collect sufficient information on your research question.
Results writing and presentation.
Discussion or analysis of the collected results.
6 steps to writing a sociology dissertation
The process of writing could be tiring but with the right steps, you can easily approach your sociology dissertation. Here’s how to approach the dissertation
Find the topic. Make sure it interests you.
Formulate your research questions.
Focus on the research methodology
Gather the research material
Draft the dissertation and finally
Edit and proofread your dissertation.
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