Thesis Writing
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Thesis Writing
A thesis or dissertation is probably going to be the most tiring and longest paper you will have to complete in either your graduate or postgraduate school. A thesis is done in order to demonstrate your research skills following your findings presentation. It is a chance for a student to show that they can identify problems in their area of specialization and develop solutions to the problems. Before getting down to writing a thesis, there are many things that a student needs to understand about a thesis.
A thesis is not a topic, a fact or an opinion to be answered with a yes or no answer.
A thesis is not a question but an argument.
A thesis should never be vague, combative or confrontational.
A thesis has a definable, arguable claim.
A thesis should be clear and specific.
How to write a thesis statement
A thesis statement is normally one or two sentences of the argument or analysis that is to follow. It provides the reader with a guide to your argument, helps better organize and develop your argument and distills your ideas into one or two sentences. To write a thesis statement, you will need to distill all your ideas to a specific question that your thesis will be trying to answer. After this, then come up with one or two complete sentences answering that question. It is important to note that your thesis statement should;
Take a stand, it is a reflection of your conclusion on whatever subject or topic you choose.
Justify your discussion.
Express one main idea to avoid confusing the reader.
Be specific on what your paper will be about. This will help you keep your paper to a manageable topic
How to write a thesis
Before developing an argument on whatever topic you choose for your thesis, it is important that you first collect and organize evidence, you look for relationships between known facts e.g. the similarities or differences and think of the significance of these relationships. Following this you can boldly say you have a working thesis where you can use the evidence collected to present your main idea and an argument you think you can easily support. One question that most students ask is about the structure of the thesis. In most cases, it is advisable that you follow your departmental guidelines on the expected content and format of your thesis.
However the basic structure of a thesis includes; a Title page, Abstract, Table of contents, List of figures, list of tables, the thesis introduction, tesis literature review, the methodology, results or findings, discussion of results, conclusion, recommendations, references and appendices. Here is more information on how to write your thesis.
6 questions to ask to know if your thesis is strong enough
To know of your thesis is strong enough, ask yourself the following questions;
Have I answered the question?
Did I take the position that others might oppose or challenge?
Is my thesis statement specific enough?
Does my thesis pass the “so what?” test?
Does my essay support the thesis without wondering?
Does the thesis pass the “how” and “why” test?
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